Friday 18 July 2008

Derridata update

Derridata, I hope you don't mind me crossposting this stuff you sent me, but I thought I should archive it here as I haven't yet had time to digest all of the content. I also figured they might be of interest to our fellow blog team members. Feel free to whup me upside the head Sunday week if I've misjudged you (lol).

Craven New World
Tom Jennings
A refreshing class-analysis of recently screened British sci-fi films - Taking Liberties, Faceless, Children of Men, The Last Enemy, Exodus, Polly II - where Jennings "seeks signs of hope in ... dystopian visions that reflect prevailing trends in biopolitical divide and rule."
here's a few more morsels to digest.I followed this from the Very Public Sociologist blog.If yesterday's lecture was about the possibility of green politics, then today's session was about its possible end. Ingolfur Bluhdorn's paper, 'The Politics of Unsustainability' was a pretty gloomy (Luhmann-inspired) account of socio-cultural barriers to progressive, environmentally sustainable social change. Therefore he argued that one cannot understand environmental politics without explaining the structures, cultures, patterns of identity construction etc. of advanced industrial societies. Environmental problems are simultaneously 'objective' facts and the outcome of the system's dialectical relationship with the natural world. You cannot get to grips with this without recourse to social theory.
The 2008 collection The Politics of Unsustainability that's edited by Ingolfur Blühdorn is from a 2007 issue of Environmental Politics. Also, the latest issue of Angelaki has an article by Cary Wolfe in it.
We talked about this before, but I'm putting this here as well for later reference, in light of its cultural studies focused discussion of Raymond Williams and deconstruction. It fits in nicely as well with my previous post of Cary Wolfe's posthumanist article, because Gary Hall is talking about the "monstrous" future of theory:
And speaking of Cary Wolfe, he has a pretty sophisticated homepage going, which features video lectures and such, along with his original critique of bioethics:

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